
Showing posts from March, 2019

Tell me I'm not crazy

I enjoyed my elementary education for the most part, but there was one teacher who will always haunt my memory. Mrs. Verdell was someone whom every kid wanted to please. Not necessarily because she deserved respect, but because she was an adult, and always had something to say. Kids hang onto the words of adults like lifelines in the middle of a sea. The world is a very confusing place for a kid growing up, and all they have to guide them is what adults say and do. Until kids someday come across the startling realization that not everything an adult says or does is from the fount of all wisdom, they tend to assume that adults can do no wrong. Sometimes that’s not so good. Mrs. Verdell taught art to all third and fourth graders, and so twice a week it was my class’s turn to file into the four by eight feet wooden-walled art room and learn how to use crayons and markers and properly administer liquid glue (a drop will do). Sometimes she would twist mannequins into a lifelike positi